
Introduction. Taking into account the changeable viral landscape of pathogens, the persistence of seasonal morbidity at a high level, and the refusal of a number of parents to be vaccinated against influenza, the interest of scientists and practitioners in the use of endogenous interferon inducers is increasing. Studies by domestic authors have proven that Kagocel® is highly effective in the prevention and treatment of influenza and other ARIs.Aim. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Kagocel® for the prevention of influenza and ARIs in children aged 3–18 years old on an outpatient basis during the epidemic rise of respiratory viral infections in 2022–2023.Materials and methods. A prospective comparative analysis of cases of prevention of influenza and ARIs by Kagocel® in children was carried out: group 1 – main (n = 32). Kagocel® was prescribed according to the scheme for a month. The comparison group consisted of patients vaccinated against influenza, who did not receive drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections: group 2 – comparison (n = 28).Results and discussion. The index of preventive efficacy of Kagocel® was 3.0, the efficiency ratio was quite high – 66.7%. The elimination of the main clinical symptoms of the disease was noted on average by the 2nd–3rd day of illness. Prophylactic administration of the drug allowed to reduce the incidence of influenza and ARIs by 3 times; reduce the number of complications from these diseases by 4 times. The economic feasibility of prophylaxis with Kagocel® has been proven, direct costs for the treatment of one patient have decreased by 3.6 times. The interferon inducer was well tolerated, no side effects of the drug were detected.Conclusion. Endogenous interferon inducer Kagocel® can be used for prophylactic purposes during the seasonal rise in the incidence of influenza and ARIs.

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