
Intestinal fistula, as a serious complication after abdominal surgery, not only leads to a series of pathophysiological changes such as fluid loss, malnutrition and organ dysfunction, but also causes the severe abdominal infection, which often threatens the life of patients. How to make the diagnosis and give the treatment of intestinal fistula is the key to save the lives of high-risk patients. In our hospital, during the past course of diagnosis and treatment for intestinal fistula complicated with severe abdominal infection, based on the combination of literatures at home and abroad with our clinical experiences for many years, an effective three-stage prevention and treatment strategy was formed gradually, which included early diagnosis, effective treatment of infection source, open drainage of abdominal infection and early enteral nutrition support. This strategy subverts the traditional concept of surgery alone, and becomes an effective means to save patients with severe abdominal infection.

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