
The results of the development and marine tests of a bottom-cable seismic station designed for operation in seismic networks, conceivably in the areas of the development of offshore oil and gas fields in the Arctic, are considered. In connection with the specified range of problems, the station possesses a quite wide frequency band of the seismic signal recording (from 100 s to 500 Hz), supports remote network access, and has robust design and a flexible service system. The system’s special feature is the use of seismic molecular–kinetic (electrochemical) geophones for the entire frequency range. The station has passed laboratory and field tests and is ready for trial operation. The bottom-cable seismic station has been developed by the Institute of Oceanology (IO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Experimental Design Bureau of Oceanological Engineering of the RAS, CJSC Geonodal Solutions, and LLC Marine Innovations under the overall supervision of the IO RAS.

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