
The introduction of the principles of medical ethics in teaching students is carried out by the staff of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry in practical classes, lectures, during the work of student scientific circles and evening student polyclinics, as well as during extracurricular time in the process of curatorial work of teachers. During practical classes, the teacher pays attention to students not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also deontological principles in relation to the patient: respect, polite treatment, which helps to gain the patient’s trust, to establish good contact, in many respects helping to conduct a successful examination of the patient, to put the right diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Solving situational problems reveals the ability of students to generalize results, conduct differential diagnostics with similar diseases, assign additional examination methods, which develops clinical thinking, the ability to tactfully and competently compose questions to identify the patient’s history and complaints, taking into account his emotional state and the results of an objective examination. The purpose of such training is aimed at educating students of a sense of duty and responsibility towards patients and colleagues. The consolidation and deepening of knowledge in deontology is achieved not only by solving situational problems, but also by solving test tasks, working on essays on the proposed topic under the guidance of a teacher, as well as preparing for performances at student scientific and practical conferences and participating in student Olympiads. Interactive teaching methods contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of future specialists, allow learning to interact with each other. With the help of such teaching methods, the formation of cognitive and professional motives, the development of systemic thinking of the future dentist in accordance with the core competencies, takes place.

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