
BACKGROUND: The current level of research and development work involves the use of systems based on programmable electronics. At the current level of engineering, the development of these systems is expedient to carry out using specialized software. At the same time, a systemic approach to the methodology for using the mentioned tools has not been fully formed yet, which necessitates the consideration of the relevant issues of theory and practice.
 AIMS: The attempt to form the principles of the mentioned systemic approach, based on the idea of the integrated hardware and software use, where the complementarity of their capabilities ensures the appearance of a pronounced emergence.
 METHODS: The article contains an analytical review and categorization of modern tools that allow to support research in their preparation, carrying out and results processing. As a particular example of their successful combined application, a computerized educational laboratory installation designed by the authors for balancing and calibrating the torque measurement system at a driveshaft of a passenger car is considered.
 RESULTS: The article materials contain a description of design and an operation principle of the mentioned installation, a consistent consideration of those specific tools that were used in its development, а information regarding the basic capabilities, the most significant characteristics and features of these tools, as well as the trial tests results and their interpretation.
 CONCLUSIONS: The approach described by the authors makes it possible to rationally approach the solution of problems related to the development and use of data measurement systems for experimental studies of automotive and tractor machinery.

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