
The study of bioelectric resistance (impedance) of woody plants by electrometric method under the influence of adverse factors, including oil sludge, is one of the adequate methodological approaches to assessing the state of forest biogeocenoses. The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of the influ-ence of oil sludge pollution of soils on the duration of changes in the bioelectric resistance of the precam-bial tissue complex of birch trunks. The object of the study is the trees of the hanging birch (Betula pendu-la Roth.) growing in the basin of buffer ponds of JSC «Gazpromneft - ONPZ» (Omsk). The research area is the Central forest-steppe of the South of Western Siberia. The results of the studies were processed by standard methods of variational statistics, correla-tion, regression and variance one-factor analysis using the package Statistica 10. Comparisons of experience variants were carried out according to student and Fisher criteria. The dependence of elec-trical resistance of birch trunk PCT (precompiling complex tissues) on the level of oil sludge pollution of soils was studied. A recommendation for rapid assessment of the condition of birch trees in the con-ditions of oil sludge pollution by electrometric meth-od was developed. According to the results of our long-term studies, it can be noted that the duration of a significant negative impact of oil sludge on the electrical resistance precompiling complex tissues of birch trees in the forest-steppe zone of Western Sibe-ria is manifested within six years, and in the seventh year these differences are not reliable and already in the ninth year-these differences disappear (τfact > τ0.5). The results obtained can be used in screening studies of forest biogeocenoses and in the planning and or-ganization of bioreculture activities on the territory of sanitary protection zones of oil refineries and in areas of oil production and oil transportation.


  • The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of the influence of oil sludge pollution

  • The object of the study is the trees of the hanging birch

  • The results of the studies were processed by standard methods of variational statistics

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Россия, curilo.yu@yandex.ru; Донец Евгения Владимировна, SPIN-код: 5118-2719, канд. Россия; Григорьев Аркадий Иванович, ORCID: 0000-0002-2373-7123, SPIN-код: 8412-9938, д-р биол. Тарусов (1938) предположил, что по электрическим параметрам клеток возможно определять жизнеспособность тканей, поскольку всякое воздействие, приводящее к повреждению или заболеванию, вызывает уменьшение абсолютной величины электрического сопротивления.

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