
The Central Scientific Advisory Bureau at Ts. K. Medsantrud published this work as the first attempt to study this issue. The study was carried out on the basis of a survey of a group of medical workers. The purpose of the survey was 1) to identify the nature of infectious diseases suffered by health workers before admission to medical institutions, 2) to take into account the number of people who had infections before starting work, which, as a rule, give persistent immunity (measles, scarlet fever, etc.), 3 ) to establish the nature of infectious diseases suffered during the work in the medical. institutions, 4) to reveal the relationship of the transferred during the work in the medical. the institution of an infectious disease with the nature of the disease, the service of which was carried out at that moment, 5) trace the chronological movement of all transmitted infectious diseases, 6) identify the likelihood of infection in connection with the professional experience and age at the time of infection. The material was collected in two large Moscow hospitals, differing from each other in the nature of the services served, in the number of beds and the number of personnel (Botkin and Krasno-Sovetskaya Hospital). The material was collected by about 700 people.

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