
Abstract In 1959 Imperial Oil Limited began using an IBM-705 computer for reductionof core analysis data and for calculation of capacity distributions. In thefirst study, relatively small volumes of data were processed, and manualmethods were used to correct input data and to check computer output. It wasapparent that for larger studies it would be necessary to write additionalprograms, to sort, edit, and update input data, and to summarize output. Early in 1960 a start was made computer processing of production andinjection histories. Using experience gained in dealing with large volumes ofcore analysis information, an integrated system of programs was first developedto generate accurate master data files. Extreme care in original planning mustbe exercised to obtain an efficient operation. Evolutionary build up of a dataprocessing system is technically difficult and wasteful of both manpower andmachine time. Introduction Processing of core analysis and production data with a digital computerinvolves a multitude of simple calculations which would otherwise be performedusing desk machines. Computers are used to improve accuracy, and to facilitateprocessing large volumes of data. The accuracy of computer calculations is, of course, directly dependent onthe accuracy of the input data. Once reliable input data records have beencompiled on tape, it is possible to carry out further reservoir engineeringcomputations. Master data tapes should carry sufficient information to satisfyall foreseeable future requirements. Two fairly complex data processing systems have been developed by ImperialOil Limited to process production and core analysis data. The core analysissystem is used primarily to obtain averages of reservoir parameters and todefine stratification. The production system is used mainly to calculate dailyand cumulative production rates, and gas or water-oil ratios, for single wellsor groups of wells.

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