
The article discusses the problem of professional and pedagogical diffi culties of future teachers and overcoming them. The results of a survey of senior students about the reasons that make it diffi cult for them to communicate with students are analyzed, which confirmed that one of the most important reasons for professional and pedagogical diffi culties is the lack of developed pedagogical communication skills among future teachers. The article presents the results of a survey of 4th year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University who completed teaching practice. The authors of the article also analyzed the diaries of student interns, presented based on the results of industrial (teaching) practice in the 4th year. The authors identifi ed and presented in the text of the article the diffi culties that students encountered during their internship. The article describes the experience of working with students in the format of a workshop, which is educational in nature and aimed at preventing professional and pedagogical diffi culties of future teachers. The content of optional educational meetings with students, aimed at gaining them new knowledge about the features of communication between various subjects of education and applying this knowledge in practice, is described in detail. It is stated that the introductory stage of the workshop contributed to the formation of a positive psychological climate in the group and the development of self-presentation and self-presentation skills, the main stage of the work made it possible to introduce students to modern technologies of effective psychological-pedagogical interaction in theory and practice, and the fi nal stage, dedicated to micro-teaching, contributed to the deepening of methodological training future teachers and developing their self-reflection skills. It is concluded that the work carried out will allow future teachers to skillfully build relationships with various subjects of the educational process and overcome professional and pedagogical diffi culties. The authors consider the activation of such forms of work with students as the analysis of problem situations and microteaching as the most promising areas for using the experience of preventing professional and pedagogical diffi culties of future teachers.

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