
Sites for the accumulation of solid municipal waste on the territory of settlements affect the densification of buildings, the reduction of the area of recreational areas, the shortage of car parking spaces. Solid municipal waste accumulation sites are a reserve of land resources. With optimal planning of placement, modern technical equipment, the accumulation sites of solid municipal waste can be reduced. The article discusses the experience of work on the creation of a "Geoinformation database on information about the sites of accumulation of solid municipal waste in the territory of the city of Novosibirsk." Planning of optimal and environmentally safe placement of solid municipal waste accumulation sites has been carried out. Examples of digital models of the location of solid municipal waste accumulation sites on the territory of the city of Novosibirsk are shown. The description of the information contained in the geoinformation database of solid municipal waste accumulation sites is given. It is concluded that the geoinformation database on the data on the sites of solid municipal waste accumulation is a new information product, which contains information on the qualitative, quantitative and spatial characteristics of the sites of solid municipal waste accumulation. Thanks to the possibility of combining data on solid municipal waste accumulation sites with an electronic map of the city, a new original geoinformation product has been created that allows planning the location, as well as requirements for land plots on which solid municipal waste accumulation sites will be located. The logistical tasks of organizing garbage collection will be solved.

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