
Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in the Learning management System (LMS) Moodle. The analysis of the digital footprint is carried out in the cancers of the course "Project Management". The project management course is an actual course for future students of architectural specialties, due to the requirements of the professional standard. The data source was students' feedback about the course, as well as questionnaire data. The questionnaire is filled out by the listeners without fail. The questionnaire questions are post-project analysis questions from the MSF (Microsoft FrameWork Solutions) project development methodology. Unlike the questionnaire, feedback about the course is left at will, the content of the reviews is not regulated by anything. The main conclusion of the study can be attributed to the conclusion that the analysis of the digital footprint allows you to identify and determine the skills, abilities and the experience that students receive during the course. Thus, the analysis of the digital footprint serves as an independent confirmation of the correctness of the decision on which competencies the course should form. Also, the analysis of the digital footprint allows us to conclude whether the training course forms the skills and abilities required by professional standards in this specialty. The methodology of digital footprint analysis demonstrated in this study is of independent value.

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