
This paper reviews the current status of underground hydrocarbon storage in Korea and addresses technical aspects of the underground storage in rock caverns. Currently, Korea has a storage capacity equal to about 146 million barrels, and approximately 73% of the total, 106 million barrels, are stored in underground space. The key technologies in the underground storage of hydrocarbon products are the construction of the large rock cavern with a cross-sectional area ranging from 300 to 520 m2, the long-term structural stability of the cavern and the full containment of the product in rock caverns. Based on a 38-year experience in design, construction and operation of underground storage facilities, Korea has accumulated technical expertise in this field and achieved the position as one of the model countries holding stockpiles of strategic oil reserves. Also an innovative method of liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage in lined rock caverns has been developed to provide a safe and cost-effective solution. It consists of protecting the host rock against the extremely low temperature and providing a liquid and gas tight liner. From the construction and operation of Daejeon pilot plant, technical feasibility of the underground LNG storage system can be well proved.

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