
AbstractMagnetic dip plays a potentially important role in the ring‐current‐radiation‐belt‐coupling. Here, we report a proton‐driven magnetic dip event accompanied by the expected generation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave and the unexpected disruption of fast magnetosonic (MS) wave observed by the Van Allen Probe B on 03 November 2015. The effect of magnetic dip on the EMIC wave generation and MS wave propagation is analyzed. The analysis of EMIC wave instability demonstrates that EMIC waves are more easily excited in the magnetic dip. Moreover, the cold plasma density shows a highly positive correlation with the magnetic field fluctuation, and they are closely related to the disappearance of MS wave during the magnetic dip structure, which is confirmed by theoretical estimation. Our results indicate that magnetic dip may play different roles in the activities of EMIC and MS waves, which has rarely been discussed before.

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