
Objective: Most of the experience of students in theatre depends upon the interaction between student andsurgeon, also as a result of the opportunity in taking part in the procedures. Theatre-based learning has littleinherent benefit otherwise. We wished to identify other factors happening in the operation theatre,contributing to this opportunity.Design: This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was designed, which included forced-choice andopen questions. This was given to the undergraduate students of 4th and 5th year MBBS of Saidu MedicalCollege, Swat, who had just finished their surgical attachment.Analysis: Responses from the closed questions were presented as percentages and those from openquestions were identified as themes and the relationship among these further explored.Results: A total of 96 students returned the completed questionnaire. Overall rating was given by 98%, outof which, 39% very good, 7% excellent, 30% good and 22% poor. Thirty five percent felt welcomed inoperation theatre, and 45% students received instructions beforehand. Only 52% students knew beforehand,what operation they are going to see that day. Operation theatre etiquettes were taught to 38% and 40% ofstudents were unclear about the learning objective of attending operation theatre. Unfriendliness of theatrestaff was reported by 48%. 31% stated that they should improve their communication skills and another 44%said that they should leam, how to explain things to undergraduate medical students. The experience wasstressful for 12% and another 39% experienced poor visibility. Student's expectations of learning weremainly focused on acquiring knowledge. Their learning experience varied widely. Students did not feeladequately prepared for getting the most out of this learning opportunityConclusion: The student experience may be distorted by unrealistic expectations of theatre-based learning.Clear and realistic learning objectives, familiarizing the students with the environment, explaining staffroles, involving students in patient's care pathway, faculty expectations being clearly communicated to theclinical teaching staff and most important, the approachability and welcoming behavior of the operationtheatre staff are likely to improve this learning experience.

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