
Expansions of non-symmetric toroidal ideal magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with nested flux surfaces are carried out for two cases. The first expansion is in a topological torus in three dimensions, in which physical quantities are periodic of period 2π in y and z. Data is given on the flux surface x = 0. Despite the possibility of magnetic resonances the power series expansion can be carried to all orders in a parameter which measures the flux between x = 0 and the surface in question. Resonances are resolved by appropriate addition resonant fields, as by Weitzner, [Phys. Plasmas 21, 022515 (2014)]. The second expansion is about a circular magnetic axis in a true torus. It is also assumed that the cross section of a flux surface at constant toroidal angle is approximately circular. The expansion is in an analogous flux coordinate, and despite potential resonance singularities, may be carried to all orders. Non-analytic behavior occurs near the magnetic axis. Physical quantities have a finite number of derivatives there. The results, even though no convergence proofs are given, support the possibility of smooth, well-behaved non-symmetric toroidal equilibria.

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