
SUSY/SUGRA models with naturalness defined via small μ are constrained due to experiment on the relic density and the experimental limits on the WIMP-proton cross-section and WIMP annihilation cross-section from indirect detection experiments. Specifically models with small μ where the neutralino is higgsino-like lead to dark matter relic density below the observed value. In several works this problem is overcome by assuming dark matter to be constituted of more than one component and the neutralino relic density deficit is made up from contributions from other components. In this work we propose that the dark matter consists of just one component, i.e., the lightest neutralino and the relic density of the higgsino-like neutralino receives contributions from the usual freeze-out mechanism along with contributions arising from the decay of hidden sector neutralinos. The model we propose is an extended MSSM model where the hidden sector is constituted of a U(1)X gauge sector along with matter charged under U(1)X which produce two neutralinos in the hidden sector. The U(1)X and the hypercharge U(1)Y of the MSSM have kinetic and Stueckelberg mass mixing where the mixings are ultraweak. In this case the hidden sector neutralinos have ultraweak interactions with the visible sector. Because of their ultraweak interactions the hidden sector neutralinos are not thermally produced and we assume their initial relic density to be negligible. However, they can be produced via interactions of MSSM particles in the early universe, and once produced they decay to the neutralino. For a range of mixings the decays occur before the BBN producing additional relic density for the neutralino. Models of this type are testable in dark matter direct and indirect detection experiments and at the high luminosity and high energy LHC.

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