
Over the last decades, liver transplantation (LT) has evolved into a life-saving procedure. Due to limited deceased donor activities in the eastern world, living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) had flourished tremendously in most Asian countries. Yet, these LDLT activities fall short of meeting the expected demands. Pakistan, a developing country, bears a major burden of liver diseases. Currently, only few centers offer LDLT services in the country. On the other hand, deceased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) activities have not started due to social, cultural, and religious beliefs. Various strategies can be adopted successfully to overcome the scarcity of live liver donors (LLDs) and to expand the donor pool, keeping in view donor safety and recipient outcome. These include consideration of LLDs with underlying clinical conditions like G6PD deficiency and Hepatitis B core positivity. Extended donor criteria can also be utilized and relaxation can be made in various donors' parameters including upper age and body mass index after approval from the multidisciplinary board. Also, left lobe grafts, grafts with various anatomical variations, and a low graft-to-recipient ratio can be considered in appropriate situations. ABO-incompatible LT and donor swapping at times may help in expanding the LLDs pool. Similarly, legislation is needed to allow live non-blood-related donors for organ donations. Finally, community education and awareness through various social media flat forms are needed to promote deceased organ donation.

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