
Abstract Agriculture is the second most important industry in Florida having a market value of over $7.35 billion. In the United States, only 1.3% of the population works in agriculture and the average age of a farmer is 57.5 yr old, which supports a need for youth to pursue careers in agricultural fields. Despite the importance of this industry, there is a growing disconnect between the public and agriculture as demonstrated by low agricultural literacy levels. An outreach program and pre- and postsurveys were used to gain a better understanding of the need for agricultural literacy educational programs in Florida. Outreach curricula were designed on four topics related to agricultural literacy; ‘Plant Biosecurity: Local and Global Perspectives’, ‘Invasive Species that Affect Plants’, ‘Introduction to Entomology’, and ‘Florida Agriculture: Current Issues and Potential Careers’. Over 2 yr, interactive outreach events were held in 80 classrooms around Florida reaching a total of 2,326 students. Based on survey results, the current agricultural literacy levels in Florida are low. The designed outreach program significantly improved student knowledge levels and increased student interest in agricultural careers/fields.

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