
During 2015-2019, five local and state health department jurisdictions implemented Data to Care (D2C) programs supported by Project PrIDE (Pre-exposure prophylaxis, Implementation, Data to Care, and Evaluation) to improve linkage or reengagement in HIV medical care among persons with HIV (PWH) who had gaps in care, particularly among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons. We describe findings from the cross-jurisdiction evaluation of the project. We conducted a qualitative analysis of the final progress reports submitted by PrIDE jurisdictions to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to identify key D2C activities implemented and challenges encountered. We also conducted descriptive analysis on aggregate quantitative data to summarize key D2C program outcomes. PrIDE jurisdictions implemented multiple activities to build their D2C capacity, identify PWH who were not in care or virally suppressed, provide linkage/reengagement services, and monitor outcomes. Overall, 11 463 PWH were selected for follow-up, 45% of whom were MSM or transgender persons. Investigations were completed for 8935 (77.9%) PWH. Only 2323 (26.0%) PWH were confirmed not in care or virally suppressed; 1194 (51.4%) were subsequently linked/reengaged in care; among those, 679 (56.9%) were virally suppressed at last test. PrIDE jurisdictions identified data-related (eg, incomplete or delayed laboratory results), program capacity (eg, insufficient staff), and social and structural (eg, unstable housing) challenges that affected their D2C implementation. PrIDE jurisdictions successfully enhanced their D2C capacity, reached priority populations who were not in care or virally suppressed, and improved their engagement in care and health outcomes. Data-related and non-data-related challenges limited the efficiency of D2C programs. Findings can help inform other D2C programs and contribute to national HIV prevention goals.

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