
Alteromonas macleodii subsp. fijiensis biovar deepsane is a deep-sea ecotype exopolysaccharide-producing bacteria isolated from the polychaete annelid Alvinella pompejana. The high molecular weight biopolymer HYD657 produced by this strain, is the first marine exopolysaccharide (EPS) to be commercialized for cosmetic use. Depolymerization methods are necessary to elucidate the complete structure of this EPS and to generate potentially bioactive oligosaccharides. Enzymatic methods are useful for elucidating polysaccharide structure because they specifically cleave glycosidic bonds and do not require harsh chemical conditions. The HYD657 EPS is structurally complex and no commercially available enzymes are able to effectively degrade it. Here, we present the first results on the endogenous enzymatic depolymerization of a marine EPS of biotechnological interest by the producing strain. Enzymatic activity was detected in the bacterial lysate and was able to decrease the apparent molecular size of the EPS, releasing mainly oligosaccharides. The reduced form of the native polysaccharide showed a slightly modified osidic composition, particularly in terms of molar ratio. Several exoglycosidase activities were measured in the bacterial lysate using paranitrophenyl-osides.

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