
CASE REPORT A 58-year-old male suffered from multiple draining sinuses involving the buttocks and the scrotum for more than 30 years. His skin condition had deteriorated over the past 12 months and three exophytic tumors had rapidly arisen from the scrotum. His medical history was significant for a peptic ulcer and alcoholic liver disease. The physical examination revealed widespread scarring and induration of the gluteal region and the scrotum, with dense networks of sinus tracts that exuded purulent material (Fig. 1). In addition, there were three ulcerated, fungating nodules on the left hemiscrotum (Fig. 2). A skin biopsy was taken from one of the nodules, the histopathology of which is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Human papilloma virus genotyping test by means of HPV gene chips was negative.

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