
The net synthesis of ATP in dark anaerobic cells of Anacystis nidulans subjected to acid jumps and/or valinomycin pulses was characterized thermodynamically and kinetically. Maximum initial rates of 75 nmol ATP/min per mg dry weight at an applied proton motive force of −350 mV were obtained, the flow-force relationship (rate of ATP synthesis vs applied proton motive force) being linear between −240 and −320 mV irrespective of the source of the proton motive force. The pulse-induced ATP synthesis was inhibited by uncouplers (H + ionophores) and F 0F 1ATPase inhibitors but not by KCN or CO. In order to obtain maximum rates of pulse-induced ATP synthesis both a favorable stationary Δψ (−100 mV at pH o 9, preceding the acid jumps) and a favorable stationary ΔpH (+2 units at pH o 4.1, preceding the valinomycin pulse) of the plasma membrane were obligatory, the effects of Δψ and ΔpH being strictly additive. Moreover, the pulse-induced ATP synthesis required a minimum total proton motive force of −200 to −250 mV across the plasma membrane; it also required low preexisting phosphorylation potentials corresponding to −400 mV in dark anaerobic i.e., energy-depleted, cells. The results are discussed in terms of both a reversible H +-ATPase and a respiratory electron transport system occurring in the plasma membrane of intact Anacystis nidulans.

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