
Summary and ConclusionsLiver tissue was taken from 14 patients after massive sporozoite inoculations with a Panama strain of Plasmodium falciparum. The tissue was fixed in Carnoy's fluid, serially sectioned, and stained with a colophonium-Giemsa method.Exo-erythrocytic parasites were found in the material derived from the patient receiving the heaviest inoculations. This patient had been inoculated on four successive days with a total of 8,516 mosquito bites and 1,403 salivary glands intravenously. The mosquitoes used averaged 86.8 per cent infected. Biopsy was done at laparotomy three to six days after inoculation. A total of about 125 parasites was found. The characteristics of these parasites indicate that they are part of the exo-erythrocytic phase of malaria. They are similar to those found by Shortt and his associates for this species of malaria.

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