
Simple graphs are considered. Let G be a graph andg(x) andf(x) integer-valued functions defined on V(G) withg(x)⩽f(x) for everyxɛV(G). For a subgraphH ofG and a factorizationF=|F 1,F 2,,F 1| ofG, if |E(H)∩E(F 1)|=1,1⩽i⩽j, then we say thatF orthogonal toH. It is proved that for an (mg(x)+k,mf(x) -k)-graphG, there exists a subgraphR ofG such that for any subgraphH ofG with |E(H)|=k,R has a (g,f)-factorization orthogonal toH, where 1⩽k<m andg(x)⩾1 orf(x)⩾5 for everyxɛV(G).

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