
We give sufficient conditions for the system of nonlinear functional differential equations of the formx′(t+1)=Ax′(t)+F(t,x(t),x(v(1)(t)),…,x(v(k)(t)),x′(g1(t)),…,x′(gl(t))),where A is a matrix, detA≠0, v(j)(t)=φj1(t,x(φj2(…x(φjmj(t,x(t)))…))), j=1,k¯, and functions F:R+×(Rn)k+l+1→Rn, gj:R+→R+, j=1,l¯, φji:R+×Rn→R+, j=1,k¯, i=1,mj¯, are continuous, for the unique existence of continuously differentiable solutions x(t) which are bounded together with their first derivatives on R+=[0,∞) and satisfy the condition limt→+∞|x(t+1)-Ax(t)|=0.

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