
In this work, we demonstrate the existence of rotational waves in deforming thermoelastic non-classical solid continua in which the conservation and balance laws consider internal rotations due to the deformation gradient tensor (Jacobian of deformation) as well as their time varying rates. In this non-classical continuum theory, time dependent deformation of solid continua results in time dependent varying rotations, angular velocities and angular accelerations at material points. Resistance to these by deforming continua results in additional moments due to rotations, angular momenta due to rotation rates and rotational inertial effects due to angular accelerations at the material points. Currently this physics is neither considered in classical continuum mechanics (CCM) nor in non-classical continuum mechanics (NCCM) based on internal and/or Cosserat rotations. In this paper, we present derivation of conservation and balance laws in Lagrangian description: conservation of mass, balance of linear momentum, balance of angular momentum, balance of moment of moments, first and second laws of thermodynamics that include: (i) physics due to internal rotations resulting from the displacement gradient tensor (ii) new physics associated with rotation rates (angular velocities) and angular accelerations resulting from the varying, time dependent internal rotations at the material points. The balance laws derived here are compared with those that only consider internal rotations and their rates in the absence of rotational inertial effects (Surana et al. in J Therm Eng 1(6):446–459, 2015; Int J Eng Res Ind Appl 8(2):77–106, 2015) to demonstrate the influence of new physics. Constitutive variables and their argument tensors are established using the conjugate pairs in the entropy inequality, additional desired physics and the principle of equipresence. The constitutive theories are derived using Helmholtz free energy density as well as representation theorem and integrity. It is shown that the mathematical model consisting of the conservation and balance laws and the constitutive theories has closure. Existence of rotational waves is demonstrated due to the presence of angular velocities and angular accelerations arising from the time varying rotations and their rates when deforming solid continua offer rotational inertial resistance. In this paper, we only consider isotropic and homogeneous solid continua with small strain, small deformation physics and reversible mechanical deformation. Model problem studies are presented in a follow up paper.

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