
A magnetic skyrmion isusually refers to a twisted spin texture surrounded by uniformly aligned out-of-plane spinsin the background of a uniformly magnetized state. The invariance of the magnetic skyrmion conserves its topological charge under any continuous transformations of the spin textures, leads to which represents the robustness of a magnetic skyrmion their texture against external perturbations, making it ideal to use skyrmions as . Such a behaviour is required for an ideal information carriers. To date, most magnetic skyrmion studies have been performedfocused on in perpendicularly magnetized systems, where the skyrmion topological number is determined by the relative orientation between the core and /outer perpendicular magnetization directions of the skyrmion is either up/down or down/up. Here we show that there also exists a new type of magnetic skyrmion with surrounding spins to be uniformly aligned to the in-plane direction. By continuous transformation and relaxation of the spin textures of out-of-plane skyrmions, we showed that an in-plane skyrmion, where the background magnetization is in the in-plane direction, is also possible. Different from the conventional perpendicular magnetic skyrmionsContrary to the skyrmions in a perpendicularly magnetized state, the in-plane magnetic skyrmions with opposite signs of topological charges can inherentlycharges can inherently coexist in the in-plane magnetization system coexist. Moreover, the iIn-plane skyrmions of opposite charge can move together by an electric current and exhibit with an opposite spin Hall effect. These findings showdemonstrate the inherent possibility of a double-bit transfer in a single magnetic wire that is not possible in a perpendicularly magnetized system.

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