
AbstractThe object of this article is to study a new class of dark energy stars in the background of gravity by using the metric potentials proposed by Krori‐Barua [J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 8:508 (1975)]. To achieve the goal, a quadratic form of as is taken into account for the static spherically symmetric spacetime,`a' being a coupling parameter of gravity. The maximum allowable masses with corresponding radii have been obtained via plots for and 8. The obtained maximum masses from our analysis are found in the range . For a smaller value of the coupling parameter ‘a’ associated with gravity, more massive stars are found. The radii corresponding to the maximum masses also increase with decreasing ‘a’. In particular, when , the theory can achieve a dark energy star of mass for certain specific combinations of model parameters. This obtained mass is located within a mass in the range of and that can be a lighter object in the GW190814 event detected by LIGO/VIRGO experiments.

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