
Using a weighted $H^s$-contraction mapping argument based on themacro-micro decomposition of Liu and Yu, we give an elementary proofof existence, with sharp rates of decay and distance from theChapman-Enskog approximation, of small-amplitude shock profiles ofthe Boltzmann equation with hard-sphere potential, recovering andslightly sharpening results obtained by Caflisch and Nicolaenkousing different techniques. A key technical point in both analysesis that the linearized collision operator $L$ is negative definiteon its range, not only in the standard square-root Maxwellianweighted norm for which it is self-adjoint, but also in norms withnearby weights. Exploring this issue further, we show that $L$ isnegative definite on its range in a much wider class of normsincluding norms with weights asymptotic nearly to a full Maxwellianrather than its square root. This yields sharp localization invelocity at near-Maxwellian rate, rather than the square-root rateobtained in previous analyses.


  • In this paper, we study existence and structure of small-amplitude shock profiles (1.1)f (x, ξ, t) = f(x − st, ξ), lim z→±∞ f(z) = f±of the one-dimensional Boltzman equation (1.2)ft + ξ1∂xf = τ −1Q(f, f ), x, t ∈ R, where f (x, t, ξ) ∈ R denotes the distribution of velocities ξ ∈ R3 at point x, t, τ > 0 is the Knudsen number, and (1.3)Q(g, h) := g(ξ′)h(ξ∗′ ) − g(ξ)h(ξ∗) C(Ω, ξ − ξ∗)dΩdξ∗is the collision operator, with (1.4)ξ ∈ R3, ξ∗ ∈ R3, Ω ∈ S2, ξ′ = ξ + Ω · (ξ∗ − ξ) Ω ξ∗′ = ξ∗ − Ω · (ξ∗ − ξ) Ω.and various collision kernels C

  • Taking moments of (1.2) and applying definition (1.8), we find that the fluid variables obey the one-dimensional Euler equations ρt + ∂x(ρv1) = 0t + ∂x(v1ρv + pe1) = 0t + ∂x(v1(ρE + p)) = 0, e1 = (1, 0, 0)T the first standard basis element, where the new variable p = p(f ), denoting pressure, depends in general on higher, non-fluid-dynamical moments of f

  • Noting that endstates f± of (1.1) by (1.6) necessarily satisfy Q(f, f )± = 0, we find that they are Maxwellians f± = Mu±, and so the associated pressures p± = p(f±) are given by the ideal gas formula (1.11), recovering the standard fact that endstates of a Boltzmann shock (1.1) are Maxwellians with fluid-dynamical variables corresponding to fluid-dynamical shock waves of the Euler equations with monatomic ideal gas equation of state [G, CN]

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We study existence and structure of small-amplitude shock profiles (1.1). For the hard sphere potential, positivity of profiles, and the improved estimate (1.18) were shown by Liu and Yu [LY] by a “macromicro decomposition” method in which fluid (macroscopic, or equilibrium) and transient (microscopic) effects are separated and estimated by different techniques This was used in [LY] to establish time-evolutionary stability of profiles with respect to perturbations of zero fluid-dynamical mass, u(x)dx = 0, and assuming the existence result of [CN], to establish positivity of Boltzmann profiles by the positive maximum principle for the Boltzmann equation (1.2) together with convergence to the Boltzmann profile of its own Maxwellian approximation: by definition, a perturbation of zero relative mass in fluiddynamical variables. It would be very interesting to continue along the same lines to obtain a complete nonlinear stability result as in [SX] or [MaZ1, MaZ2], with respect to general, not necessarily zero mass, perturbations

Splitting of the collision operator
Further estimates
Coercivity on Hs
Abstract formulation
Kawashima multiplier
Reduction to bounded operators
The framework
Assumptions on the full system
Assumptions on the reduced system
The basic estimate
Chapman–Enskog approximation
Basic L2 result
Nonlinear perturbation equations
Fixed-point iteration scheme
Proof of the basic result
Internal and high frequency estimates
Higher order estimates
The approximate equations
L2 estimates and proof of the main estimates
Existence for the linearized problem
Uniform estimates
Finite-dimensional case
Finite dimensional approximations
10.1 Pointwise velocity estimates
10.2 Higher weights
11 Other potentials
Full Text
Paper version not known

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