
Duzaar. F. and M. Fuchs, Existence and regularity of functions which minimize certain energies in homotopy classes of mappings, Asymptotic Analysis 5 (1991) 129-144. Given a continuous mapping 'P: M --> N of compact manifolds we prove that there exists a differentiable solution of the problem Ep(u) ,= fM I du I p dv -> Min in the homotopy class ['1'1 provided the sectional curvature of N is nonpositive. Here p E [2, (0) is an arbitrary real number, hence we obtain an extension of a well-known theorem of Eells and Sampson. Our arguments are based on an asymptotic analysis of the less degenerate problems (0 min in ['1'1 for which we establish the existence of solutions u, which converge to a minimizer of our original variational problem. As further applications the paper contains various estimates for p-harmonic maps into negatively curved target manifolds.

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