
ABSTRACT The basic needs of man are food, clothing, and shelter besides air and water. In providing these needs, power generation systems play a crucial role. Day by day, for various reasons such as explosion of population, the demand for power is increasing tremendously. Power generation systems need to generate more power. A novel power generation system suitable for recovering waste heat at a medium temperature range is examined in the present work. To assess the performance of a power generation system, energy and exergy measures are necessary. Energy measures provide enough details about the performance of the system. To know the systematic performance analysis, detailed exergy analysis alternatively profound as advanced exergy analysis and environmental impact are to be investigated. Exergoenvironmental analysis on the proposed Kalina power generation system has been carried out under hot sink conditions. Considering the proposed decision variables relative exergy destruction (ĖD/ĖP), relative environmental impact (Ẏ/ĖP), and relative investment cost (Ż/ĖP), the performance of the system has been assessed. The exergy destruction and the destruction cost rate of 29.23 kW and 0.478 $/hr at turbine inlet conditions of 185°C and 45 bar have been achieved. The exergoenvironmental factor fb and the relative difference rb have revealed that the components with high environmental impact have to be minimized. Turbine and HE4 are the components that contribute to higher total exergy and devise related impact on the environment.

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