
Modern higher educational institutions face the tasks associated with the implementation of individual creativity and a high level of professionalism of the vocalist in performing an activity. The article considers the features of vocal training of future professionals, psychophysiological factors influencing the development of creative vocal abilities and the content of the activity with vocal-technical exercises in the class of solo singing, analyze methods of students’ vocal techniques development, defines the role of exercises in professional training of future soloists-vocalists. Exercises for voice and breathing, as well as exercises aimed at developing articulation and diction, will help to fully master their own voice data, expand the range, make the voice brighter and more voluminous. Scientists and outstanding vocalists have considered this problem in their works, but even today the foundations for vocal students and vocal teachers are methods, techniques and exercises that will help to form a professional musician.The problem of vocal and performing training of future artists–vocalists in the institution of the artistic direction of higher education is based on interdisciplinary integration. This article defines the essence and the content of vocal and performing training of artists–vocalists in the institution of higher education; outlines the main tasks of their professional training; reveals the role of interdisciplinary integration in preparing students of the institution of the artistic direction of higher education. The proposed methods and techniques are scientifically substantiated and experimentally proven.Scientists and outstanding vocalists have considered this problem in their works, but even today, the basis for singers of specialized educational institutions of art education and vocal teachers are methods, techniques and exercises that will help to form a quality musician.
 Keywords: vocal; vocal exercises; mixed; glissando; sound support; vocal training; voice formation; vibrato; legato; cantilena; resonators.

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