
Thematically grouped symptom clusters are present during the acute timeline of post-mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), representing clinical profiles called subtypes. Exercise intolerance has not been evaluated within the subtype classifications and, because guidelines support early submaximal aerobic exercise, further knowledge is required in regard to the exercise capabilities among the concussion subtypes. This cross-sectional study (n = 78) aimed to characterize the presence of exercise intolerance within the clinical subtypes and to explore performance on the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test (BCTT) in the adult subacute (2-12 weeks post-injury) mTBI population. All participants were evaluated using the BCTT to determine exercise tolerance. We first used the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI) questionnaire to assign each participant a primary subtype(s). To further explore all five subtypes (headache, cognitive, vestibular, ocular motor, and mood), participants were assessed using a multitude of thematically grouped assessments including self-reported questionnaires, clinical tests of vestibular and ocular motor function, balance function, and computerized cognitive testing. Thirty-seven (47%) subjects were exercise tolerant and 41 (53%) were exercise intolerant. There was no difference in the distribution of primary subtypes between the exercise tolerant and exercise intolerant groups. In addition, no significant differences were found between the exercise tolerant and exercise intolerant groups on other thematically grouped subtype assessments. The exercise intolerant group had a significantly higher resting heart rate (HR), lower percentage of age-predicted maximum HR achieved, lower Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and could walk on the treadmill for less time (lower duration) compared with the exercise tolerant group. The current findings suggest that exercise intolerance is common and pervasive across all five mTBI subtypes. A comprehensive mTBI assessment should include evaluation for exercise intolerance regardless of the primary clustering of symptoms and across patient populations. Therefore, early referral to physical therapists, athletic trainers, or medical clinics that can perform the BCTT may be helpful to initiate appropriate exercise prescriptions for patients with mTBI.

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