
Regular exercise is advised for individuals given a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. COVID-19 presented challenges to exercise adherence. The objective of this study was to determine long-term exercise adherence and whether individuals with cardiovascular disease adhered to American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation guidelines before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an observational cross-sectional study in which men (73%) and women discharged from a multiwide hospital system after an acute coronary event were enrolled. Participants completed 3 questionnaires, including the Exercise Adherence Rating Scale. Five hundred eighty-two individuals (mean [SD] age, 67 [9.8] years) completed the survey. Fifty-three percent of participants met minimum exercise guidelines during COVID-19. Exercise days per week decreased significantly during COVID-19 in women (P = .013) but not significant for men (P = .301). Categorized by age, the decrease was significant for middle-aged women (P = .002), not older women (P = .336). Men exercised more minutes per session (P = .034), and had greater exercise adherence (P = .003) and greater exercise intensity (P < .001). Overall, women participated less in cardiac rehabilitation (P = .046) and reported the greatest disparity in exercise adherence and intensity. Exercise after an acute event is beneficial, and the percentage of individuals meeting recommended guidelines should be higher considering the relationship between exercise and the possibility of future cardiac events. On the basis of the many physical and mental benefits of maintaining exercise, healthcare practitioners are encouraged to screen all patients for exercise adherence with a major emphasis on educating women and older adults.

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