
Sexual orientation has been suggested to affect executive function, of which the neurobiological basis is still largely unknown. In this study, we explored the interrelationship between neuropsychological characteristics in homosexual and heterosexual men and their anatomical connectome by graph theoretical analysis. Fifty-three homosexual and 47 heterosexual males underwent diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neuropsychological assessments. Whole-brain anatomical networks were constructed using white matter tractography, performed on the diffusion tensor imaging data. Neuropsychological tests included the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) and the Trail-Making Test (TMT). The cognitive performance of homosexual men was significantly poorer than their heterosexual counterparts in terms of WCST total correct responses. Anatomical connectome analysis revealed a lower (P=0.001) anatomical connectivity between left PoCG and left SMG (P=0.003) in homosexual men as compared to heterosexual men. Linear regression analyses showed that the WCST total correct responses score was significantly linked with sexual orientation (P=0.001). The anatomical connectivity strength between left PoCG and left SMG was also shown to be significantly correlated with sexual orientation (P=0.039) and education (P=0.047). Our study demonstrated the differences in the performance of WCST and anatomical connectome of large-scale brain networks between homosexual and heterosexual men, extending our understanding of the brain's circuitry and the characteristics of executive function in men of different sexual orientation.

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