
Hypothetical Secure mystery express accumulating is a crucial perspective in systems considering secret expression affirmation, which is at this point the most extensively used approval method, disregarding its some security abandons. In this paper, we propose a mysterious key affirmation structure that is expected for secure mystery key storing and could be adequately organized into existing approval systems. In our construction, first, they got plain mystery word from a client is worked out a cryptographic hash work (e.g., SHA-256). By then, the hashed secret expression is changed over into a negative mystery state. Finally, the negative mystery key is encoded into an Encrypted Negative Password (contracted as ENP) using a symmetric-key computation (e.g., AES), and multi activity encryption could be used to furthermore improve security. The cryptographic hash work and symmetric encryption make it difficult to break passwords from ENPs. Furthermore, there are lots of relating ENPs for ensured plain mystery word, which makes pre-computation attacks (e.g., question table attack and rainbow table attack) infeasible. The count multifaceted nature examinations and relationships show that the ENP could go against inquiry table attack and give more grounded secret word security under word reference attack. It merits referring to that the ENP doesn't present extra segments (e.g., salt); other than this, the ENP could regardless face precomputation attacks. Most importantly, the ENP is the primary mystery state confirmation plot that joins the cryptographic hash work, the negative mystery key and the symmetric-key computation, without the necessity for additional information.

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