
April 14—Garvel Park, . conducted by Mr. David Robertson, F.G.S. ’’ 30—Kerrsland Glen, . ’’ Mr. Robert Craig. May 14—Gourock, . . ’’ Mr. Daniel Wilson. ’’ 26 (Queen's Birthday Annual Pic-Nic).—Craignethan, ’’ Dr.J.R.S. Hunter, F.R.Ph.S.Ed. ’’ 28—Corrieburn, . ’’ Mr. John Young, F.G.S. June 11—Kilmalcolm, . ’’ Mr. Arthur Pratt. These were all well, and in some cases largely, attended, except the last on the list, that to Kilmalcolm, which, out of respect to Mr. Pratt, did not take place, when it became known to the members that he was suffering from a severe, and what afterwards proved to be a fatal, illness. The Queen's Birthday excursion was taken to Craignethan, the scene of more than one very successful gathering on former similar occasions, and was again conducted by the Society's friend and honorary member, Dr. J. R. S. Hunter of Daleville, who kindly prepared and read to the assemblage a long and interesting paper upon various historical points connected with the famous old castle of Tillietudlem and its neighbourhood. An extra excursion not announced upon the card for the season was that afterwards arranged to be taken jointly with the members of the Edinburgh Geological Society to Bathgate, upon the 18th June, and which was conducted by one of that Society's Vice-Presidents, Mr. Henry Cadell. Favoured with agreeable weather and taken to a most interesting district of country, this trip was pronounced by those who had the good fortune to assist at it to be one of the most enjoyable of the season, and This 250-word extract was created in the absence of an abstract

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