
The charge density wave instability in one-dimensional semimetals is usually explained through a Peierls-like mechanism, where the coupling of electrons and phonons induces a periodic lattice distortion along certain modes of vibration, leading to a gap opening in the electronic band structure and to a lowering of the symmetry of the lattice. In this work, we study two prototypical Peierls systems: the one-dimensional carbon chain and the monatomic hydrogen chain with accurate ab initio calculations based on quantum Monte Carlo and hybrid density functional theory. We demonstrate that in one-dimensional semimetals at $T=0$, a purely electronic instability can exist independently of a lattice distortion. It is induced by spontaneous formation of low energy electron-hole pairs resulting in the electronic band gap opening, i.e., the destabilization of the semimetallic phase is due to an excitonic mechanism.

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