
Abstract p-Benzoquinone and its halogen substituted derivatives are known to have differing reactivities in the triplet excited state. While bromanil catalyzes the reduction of octaethylporphyrin most efficiently among the halogenated p-benzoquinones, the reaction does not take place in presence of the unsubstituted p-benzoquinone (T. Nakano and Y. Mori, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67, 2627 (1994)). Understanding of such differences requires a detailed knowledge of the triplet state structures, normal mode compositions and excited state dynamics. In this paper, we apply a recently presented scheme (M. Puranik, S. Umapathy, J. G. Snijders, and J. Chandrasekhar, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 6106 (2001)) that combines parameters from experiment and computation in a wave packet dynamics simulation to the triplet states of p-benzoquinone and bromanil. The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of both the molecules have been simulated. The normal mode compositions and mode specific excited state displacements have been presented and compared. Time-dependent evolution of the absorption and Raman overlaps for all the observed modes has been discussed in detail. In p-benzoquinone, the initial dynamics is along the C=C stretching and C–H bending modes whereas in bromanil nearly equal displacements are observed along all the stretching coordinates.

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