
In recent years, transient four-wave mixing (FWM) techniques have been used to investigate the dephasing times of non-equilibrium carriers in semiconductor heterostructures by monitoring the decay of the macroscopic polarization. Initially, this decay was measured by temporally-integrating the scattered FWM signal as a function of time delay between two (or more) pump pulses. More recently, the macroscopic polarization decay has been measured by time-resolving the FWM signal by cross correlating it with an ultrashort laser pulse via frequency up-conversion in a nonlinear crystal. When excitons with slightly different energies are excited, oscillations (or beats) have been observed both in the time-integrated FWM signal and in the time-resolved FWM signal. Such beats have been observed, for example, between light- and heavy-hole excitons and between excitons in wells of different widths. Both the spectral behavior1 of the time-integrated FWM signal and the temporal behavior2 of the time-resolved signal have been shown to allow the distinction between the polarization interference associated with two independent oscillators and the quantum beats associated with two coupled oscillators which share a common level. In addition, it has been demonstrated3 that the quantum beats produced by incident pulses with parallel polarizations are exactly out of phase (by π) with the beats produced by orthogonally polarized pulses. In each case1-3, the period and phase of the beats and the polarization of FWM signal were explained by using a six-level model, which excluded many-body effects, to describe the J=1/2 conduction and J=3/2 valence states. Within the last few months, however, it has been shown that a complete description of the polarization selection rules for the FWM signal requires excitation-induced dephasing4 or disorder-induced coupling of the σ + and σ – excitonic transitions5.

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