
The T=0 excitation spectra of the antiferromagnetic (J>0) anisotropic Heisenberg chain of spins 1/2 are studied using the Bethe Ansatz equations for Δ=cos(π/n), n=3,4 and 5. The number of unknown functions is n−1 for Δ=cos(π/n) and can be solved numerically for a finite external field. The low-energy excitations form a Luttinger liquid parametrized by a conformal field theory with conformal charge of c=1. For higher energy excitations, the spectral functions display deviations from the Luttinger behavior arising from the curvature in the dispersion. Adding a corrective term of the form of a mobile impurity coupled to the Luttinger liquid modes corrects this difference. The “impurity” is an irrelevant operator, which if treated non-perturbatively, yields the threshold singularities in the one-spinwave particle and hole Green’s function correctly.

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