
We have obtained and analyzed optical spectra of a semiconductor slab, containing a quantum well which serves as a source of magnetoexcitons in the presence of an external dc magnetic field. Our setup corresponds to the optical technique based on the breaking of the total internal reflection. Specifically, the semiconductor slab is sandwiched between two external leads/prisms separated from the slab by two gap layers of a dielectric or metal. The reflectivity, transmissivity, and absorption spectra for such a system in a quantizing magnetic field were revealed to display a resonant structure originating from the excitation of electromagnetic modes localized on the semiconductor slab which are strongly coupled with the confined magnetoexcitons. It is surprising that the Rabi splitting for the setup with dielectric gap layers (weak guiding) turns out to be greater than that for metallic and even semiconductor microcavities (strong guiding). Our results were verified by comparing the calculated optical spectra with the dispersion curves for localized modes derived analytically.

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