
Abstract We study kink oscillations of a straight magnetic tube with a transitional region at its boundary. The tube is homogeneous in the axial direction. The plasma density monotonically decreases in the transitional region from its value inside the tube to that in the surrounding plasma. The plasma motion is described by the linear magnetohydrodynamic equations in the cold plasma approximation. We use the ideal equations inside the tube and in the surrounding plasma, but take viscosity into account in the transitional region. We also use the thin tube and thin transitional or boundary layer (TTTB) approximation. Kink oscillations are assumed to be driven by a driver at the tube footpoint. We derive the equation describing the displacement in the fundamental mode and overtones. We use this equation to study kink oscillations both in the case of harmonic as well as random driving. In the case of random driving we assume that the driver is described by a stationary random function. The displacements in the fundamental mode and overtones are also described by stationary random functions. We derive the relation between the power spectra of the fundamental mode and all overtones and the power spectrum of the driver. We suggest a new method of obtaining information on the internal structure of coronal magnetic loops based on the shape of graphs of the power spectrum of the fundamental mode.

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