
Twisted light has received a lot of attention in recent years. And there are justified reasons for this. The properties of twisted light are unusual and differ fundamentally from the plane-wave properties. The phase fronts of these light beams have a helical structure, giving them the name twisted. This helical phase structure originates from the well-defined orbital angular momentum (OAM) that they carry along their propagation direction and in addition to the spin angular momentum (SAM). Moreover, they have a characteristic intensity profile, which consists of concentric rings with a central minimum, and a phase singularity in the beam center. This thesis is based on two main parts, each dealing with a different aspect of twisted light. These investigations are carried out using Bessel beams, one type of twisted light. Twisted light beams are cylindrically symmetrical. Therefore, they are defined on the basis of circularly polarized light. This fact leads to the first question: Is it possible to generate twisted light in other polarization states? In this work, we derive how this can be achieved by using the superposition principle and how this can be used to construct linearly, radially, or azimuthally polarized Bessel beams. The focus in the second part is on excitations of atoms by twisted Bessel beams. In particular, we analyze how the use of twisted light can modify individual atomic multipole transitions. The obtained results show that for an efficient modification a precise localization of the target atom is required. In the last chapter, both aspects are combined. We analyze transitions between magnetic hyperfine states in a single trapped atom (or ion), which is exposed to an additional external magnetic field. The presented calculations for these multipole excitations are based on a formalism that accounts for the alignment of the applied external magnetic field with respect to the light propagation direction, and additionally different polarization states of the radiation field are considered. The obtained results indicate that twisted light could be of particular interest for precision experiments. One possible application is the use in single-ion clocks. The work shows that high multipole orders of the vortex beams allow excitations in the intensity minimum in the center of these beams without causing large disturbances, and thus may enable a significant reduction of the light shift in atomic transitions.

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