
Hydrogen atom-hydrogen atom scattering is a prototype for many of thefundamental principles of atomic collisions. In this work we present theformalism and the predictions of a time-dependent self-consistent-fielddescription of the H + H system for scattering in the intermediateenergyregime of 1-100 keV. Because of the unrestricted nature of thenumerical orbital description, this method includes the effects of anunlimited basis set within each orbital. Electron exchange and a limitedamount of electron correlation are included as well. We solve numericallycoupled three-dimensional Schrödinger equations for the two-electronorbitals insinglet and triplet symmetries. Excitation and ionization cross sectionsare computed and compared with other theory and experiment. The resultscapture many features of the problem but illustrate a need for morequantitative experimental information concerning the H + H systemin this energy range.

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