
Uracil is not a normal constituent of DNA. Under natural conditions, it may appear either by deamination of cytosine residues or by incorporation of deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP). Visible light irradiation of BrdUrd-treated cells efficiently leads, under experimental situations, to the formation of dUMP residues in DNA. Plant cells, like other living organisms, can eliminate this potentially harmful base from DNA by an excision repair pathway, uracil-DNA glycosylase being the first enzyme acting during the incision process. Purified plant uracil-DNA glycosylase is a low molecular weight enzyme (27–29.5 kD) that specifically releases uracil present in DNA by splitting off the sugar-base bond. This enzyme is non-competitively inhibited by uracil and 6-aminouracil, but not by thymine, both in vitro and in vivo. However, other structurally related compounds do not show any inhibitory effect. This characteristic poses a number of unaswered questions regarding its mechanism of action. At the chromosome level, dUMP residues appear to be sister-chromatid exchange (SCE)-initiating events. This has been demonstrated for dUMP residue introduced either by visible light exposure of BrdUrd-treated cells or by dUMP mis-incorporation instead of dTMP in cells treated with inhibitors of thymidylate synthetase. The excision repair of uracil in plants appears to be finely regulated in different cell types depending on their proliferation rate and their development stage. Thus, high levels of uracil-DNA glycosylase do not seem to be necessarily associated with DNA replication, since non-proliferating cells, natural constituents of dormant meristems, contain enzyme levels comparable to those found in proliferating tissues, where it is modulated: the higher the cell cycle rate (and the DNA replication rate) the higher the uracil-DNA glycosylase activity. Finally, this excision repair enzyme seems to be turned off as cells enter their differentiated state.

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