
Palatine torus is characterized by a nonpathologic bone development that occurs along the midline of the hard palate. Its etiology is related to several factors. Surgical treatment is necessary in specific cases in which the torus interferes in the functions of the stomatognathic system or in the installation of total prosthesis in the palate. This case reports a palatal torus with 27 mm in its largest diameter and 15 mm in height in a 57-year-old patient with phonetic and prosthetic complaints. Due to the size of the exostoses and to allow a more simplified approach, a modified surgical access of Chacko and Joseph was chosen, which together with the confection of an acrylic resin plaque for postoperative installation, ensured the patient’s total recovery, which informs a complete improvement of the reported complaints. The surgical technique used prevented possible disadvantages related to the traditional technique; therefore, it guaranteed a comfortable postoperative period.

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