
When strains of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) lacking the previously identified autonomous plasmids SCP1 and SCP2 are crossed with Streptomyces lividans 66, some of the S. lividans progeny are able to elicit zones of growth inhibition (lethal zygosis), previously associated with the transfer of conjugative Streptomyces plasmids, when grown in contact with S. lividans 66. Some such progeny yield covalently closed circular (CCC) plasmid DNA, the size and restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern of which is constant for a particular isolate, but varies among isolates. These plasmids, which have been named SLP1.1, SLP1.2, etc., all confer resistance to lethal zygosis elicited by the others. Genetic and molecular characterization of the plasmids reveals that they are derived from the strA region of the chromosome of S. coelicolor. It is proposed that, before or during mating with S. lividans, the SLP1 sequences are excised from the chromosome, bringing varying regions of the surrounding chromosome with them, and can circularize to yield the SLP1 family of plasmids. Autonomous SLP1 plasmids can also be generate by cleaving total DNA of S. coelicolor with certain restriction enzymes, ligating it, and transforming the DNA into S. lividans. The autonomous SLP1 plasmids exist within S. lividans in a few copies per chromosome, and act as fertility factors. They provide suitable vectors for DNA cloning since the segments of chromosomal DNA carried by the larger members of the family are dispensable.

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