
In this paper the problem of the line shape in paramagnetic resonance when large exchange interaction is present is discussed from the standpoint of a simplified mathematical model. The mathematical model can be called the model of "random frequency modulation": It is assumed that the atom absorbs a single frequency, which varies over a distribution determined by the dipolar local fields, but that this frequency varies randomly in time at a rate determined by the exchange interactions.The predicted line shape in the case in which exchange is large is of resonance type in the observable center of the line, but falls off more rapidly in the wings. This line shape has been verified experimentally in a number of cases. This conclusion seems quite independent of any assumption about the type of random frequency modulation, etc. The quantitative conclusions are reached in the following way: It is suspected, since the exchange motion is the superposition of the effects of a number of neighbors which is not particularly small, that a good approximation to the modulation function is Gaussian noise with a Gaussian spectrum. This, of course, is what would result from the superposition of a large number of rather small effects. Under this assumption both the second moment (which is independent of exchange) and the fourth moment of the line shape can be calculated. This kind of modulation is the simplest one which does give a finite fourth moment; a Markoffian, or "jump," type of modulation, which might seem more reasonable at first, does not. These moments are then compared with the moments computed by Van Vleck [Phys. Rev. 74, 1168 (1948)] to fix the two adjustable parameters, mean square frequency, and average rate of change of frequency, of the theory.The result as to line breadth, which is essentially $\ensuremath{\Delta}\ensuremath{\cong}\frac{{〈(\ensuremath{\Delta}{\ensuremath{\omega}}^{2})〉}_{\mathrm{Av}} \mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{p}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{l}\mathrm{e}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{p}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{l}\mathrm{e}}{\frac{J}{\ensuremath{\hbar}}},$ if $J$ is the exchange integral, can be compared with observed line breadths by estimating $J$ from Curie-Weiss constants for a number of materials. The results are quite satisfactory if the theory is extended in two ways: (a) When the exchange frequency is larger than the resonance frequency, it can be shown that the off-diagonal elements of the dipolar interaction must be included, leading to a line-width larger by a factor of roughly 10/3; (b) in a number of cases hyperfine and Stark splitting is contributing importantly to the width.The good agreement with experiment in the cases we have investigated leads us to believe that a quantitative approach to the paramagnetic resonance line breadth problem, using only the already known concepts of dipolar interaction, exchange narrowing, and fine structure splitting, will probably explain all the observed phenomena.

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