
RECENT advances in nutrition chemistry have indicated the importance of co-ordination compounds in the uptake of cobalt by animals. With the advent of supplies of cobalt-60, obtained through the courtesy of the U.S.A.E.C., we in Adelaide have become interested in the possible exchange reactions between cobaltous ions and cobalt chelate compounds. Flagg1, McCallum and Hoshowsky2 have reported no evidence for exchanges of this type with a number of cobaltammines. However, Pauling3 has pointed out that for co-ordination compounds the bond between the metal and its co-ordinated groups will be predominantly ionic if the compound exhibits a high paramagnetism, for example, 3–5µ. It therefore appeared to us that exchange by an ionic mechanism should occur between metal ions and those co-ordination compounds of the metal which show high values of µ. Evidence for this theory has been presented by Johnson and Hall4 in their work on the exchange of nickel derivatives with Ni++ ions.

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